Добрый день ребята! Помогите прописать к формуле в ТОСе звуковой сигнал. Зарание всем спасибо!!!! Формула; declare lower; input length = 5; input capSpikesAt = 10; def VarP = round(length / 5); def VarA = Highest(high, VarP) - Lowest(low, VarP); def VarR1 = if VarA == 0 and VarP == 1 then AbsValue(close - close[VarP]) else VarA; def VarB = Highest(high, VarP)[VarP + 1] - Lowest(low, VarP)[VarP]; def VarR2 = If VarB == 0 and VarP == 1 then AbsValue(close[VarP] - close[VarP * 2]) else VarB; def VarC = Highest(high, VarP)[VarP * 2] - Lowest(low, VarP)[VarP * 2]; def VarR3 = If VarC == 0 and VarP == 1 then AbsValue(close[VarP * 2] - close[VarP * 3]) else VarC; def VarD = Highest(high, VarP)[VarP * 3] - Lowest(low, VarP)[VarP * 3]; def VarR4 = If VarD == 0 and VarP == 1 then AbsValue(close[VarP * 3] - close[VarP * 4]) else VarD; def VarE = Highest(high, VarP)[VarP * 4] - Lowest(low, VarP)[VarP * 4]; def VarR5 = If VarE == 0 and VarP == 1 then AbsValue(close[VarP * 4] - close[VarP * 5]) else VarE; def LRange = ((VarR1 + VarR2 + VarR3 + VarR4 + VarR5) / 5) * 0.2; def Var0 = if AbsValue(close - close[1]) > (high - low) then AbsValue(close - close[1]) else (high - low); def LRange2 = if high == low then Average(AbsValue(close - close[1]), 5) * 0.2 else Average(Var0, 5) * 0.2; def range = high + low; def delta = high - low; def median = range / 2; def floatingAxis = Average(median, length); def dynamicVolatilityUnit = if length <= 7 then LRange2 else LRange; def relativeHigh = (high - floatingAxis) / dynamicVolatilityUnit; def relativeLow = (low - floatingAxis) / dynamicVolatilityUnit; def relativeOpen = (open - floatingAxis) / dynamicVolatilityUnit; def relativeClose = (close - floatingAxis) / dynamicVolatilityUnit; def _high = Min(relativeHigh, capSpikesAt); def _low = Max(relativeLow, -capSpikesAt); plot backgroundColor = if _low > 0 then _low else if _high < 0 then _high else double.nan; backgroundColor.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); backgroundColor.SetDefaultColor(color.black); backgroundColor.SetLineWeight(2); plot "High" = _high; "High".SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); "High".AssignValueColor(if "High" >= 9.5 then GetColor(5) else GetColor(1)); "High".SetLineWeight(2); plot "Low" = _low; "Low".SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); "Low".AssignValueColor(if "Low" <= -9.5 then GetColor(6) else GetColor(1)); "Low".SetLineWeight(2); plot "Open" = Min(AbsValue(relativeOpen), capSpikesAt) * relativeOpen / AbsValue(relativeOpen); "Open".SetStyle(curve.POINTS); "Open".SetLineWeight(1); "Open".SetDefaultColor(color.white); "Open".hide(); plot "Close" = Min(AbsValue(relativeClose), capSpikesAt) * relativeClose / AbsValue(relativeClose); "Close".SetStyle(curve.POINTS); "Close".SetLineWeight(1); "Close".AssignValueColor(if "Close" < "Open" then GetColor(5) else GetColor(5)); "Close".hide(); plot zero = 0; zero.SetDefaultColor(color.white); plot "Moderately O/B" = 4; plot "Moderately O/S" = -4; "Moderately O/B".SetDefaultColor(color.yellow); "Moderately O/S".SetDefaultColor(color.yellow); plot "Significantly O/B" = 8; plot "Significantly O/S" = -8; "Significantly O/B".SetDefaultColor(color.red); "Significantly O/S".SetDefaultColor(color.red);

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Окт 09 2013, 09:07

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